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Melissa’s Review: Invincible by C.A. Gray
Invincible (Piercing the Veil #2)
written by C.A. Gray
published by Wanderlust Publishing, 2014
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Did I enjoy this book: Well . . . after reading the second book in the series, I’m almost certain it isn’t meant to be a parody. To say C.A. Gray borrows heavily from the Harry Potter stories would be understating, and as I mentioned in my review of Book One, this is NOT a series for Arthurian purists, but I’ll admit I did enjoy Invincible a twinge more than the first installment.
Yes, the fact that Guinevere is actually some sort of raven-haired evil spirit still makes me cringe, and yes, I think Gray’s stretching a bit (read: a LOT) to try and connect King Arthur, Physics, Magic, Atlantis, AND the Egyptian Pyramids, but I digress. I’m certainly getting attached to the characters (Potteresque as they may be), so I’m definitely going to finish the series. I just hope no one needs to use a Tardis to save the day in Book Three . . .
. . . still delaying my star rating until I’ve finished the last book . . .
Would I recommend it: You’ll like this one a bit more than the first in the series, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to read either one.
About the book – from Goodreads: Peter Stewart is a dead ringer for the legendary King Arthur, and because of that, everyone in Carlion believes that he is the Child of the Prophecy, destined to destroy the Shadow Lord. But Peter doesn’t want to be a hero; all he wants to be is left alone. Lily Portman also fits the prophecy. Having spent her entire life as an orphan and a misfit, Lily would love nothing more than to be the Child of the Prophecy, so she envies Peter… but she’s also developing a crush on him. And it seems to her that he couldn’t care less. Isdemus and the Watchers believe that it is only a matter of time before Peter’s twin brother Kane betrays them all and frees the Shadow Lord. The winner of the war to come depends on who has the legendary Philosopher’s Stone—the only problem is, it has been lost since the days of Arthur. With the help of a skeptical anthropologist, the Watchers attempt to decode the ancient treasure maps that lead them to the heart of Egypt and the dawn of time. Meanwhile, Lily and Peter discover that Peter holds the real key to the mystery… but will they be too late?