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Spotlight: Link by D.A. Karr (excerpt, giveaway)
written by D.A. Karr
published by D.A. Karr
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads
About the book – from Goodreads: Space Time, 2800, Earth
As the Earth shifts on its axis, mankind is caught in a war of survival and time. Imprisoned in this time war, Captain John Garrick and the N.S.T.E.A. Phoenix become a pawn between technology, humans, and what’s left of civilization.
No amount of careful planning can prepare the time jumpers for the dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move.
As the N.S.T.E.A seals a deal to deliver time technology to the notorious outlaw, Menser, Garrick plots to undermine the N.S.T.E.A.
Garrick doesn’t live by the rules, and he knows one thing is for sure: kill or be killed.
Technology becomes the enemy and time an illusion as Phoenix’s crew prepares for the inevitable – a fight to the finish.
Suddenly, black shadows fell in behind them. A whirring filled the air as dust billowed around dense black shapes descending through the raging dust storm. Steady swooshing was faint as the shapes came faster and faster, closer and closer. The whining increased as the Dragar ships pursued the Phoenix.
Garrick barked to Becker, “We need more altitude to jump!”
Becker shouted over the rumbling, “Not an option in this dust storm.”
Gillie, Wexler, Farber, and the crew watched the viewers above their heads, searching for the ships behind them.
There’s nothing. They see nothing. The dust is thick and red. Still the whining sound resonates closer and closer.
A.L.I.S. repeated her question, “What are the coordinates?”
Garrick ordered her, “Release A.L.I.S. Attention!”
A.L.I.S. stood behind Garrick, waiting. However, this time, unknowing to him, she was watching as her sensors shifted back and forth, sending out silent signals to Phoenix.
Becker shouted orders to Lieutenant Chiang, “Weapons online Lieutenant! All hands battle stations!”
Suddenly, from below the edge of the hillside, an almost invisible Dragar gunship raised up right in front of them. Hanging in the air, the Dragar ship turned to face them head on. Two Dragar pilots were in the seats, bringing the gunship about and rotating their gun mounts.
Phoenix responded as it looped over and behind the Dragar ship.
Wexler broke in, “We’re behind, sir!”
Garrick yelled, “Fire torpedoes!”
Gillie, Wexler, and Farber flicked the switches simultaneously as Phoenix lurched backwards. Three RZaR torpedoes hit the Dragar gunship front on, instantly incinerating it in a fireball.
Becker and Garrick raised their fists in victory, “It’s down,” just as Phoenix dropped its speed and leveled off.
Becker spun in his seat, “Where’s the other ships, Lieutenant?”
Lieutenant Chiang reported, “Looks like their gone, sir. Off the scans.”
Garrick interrupted, “Keep watching. They’re here somewhere. We’re going to have to maneuver. Phoenix isn’t built for dogfights.”
Becker began evasive action as he ordered, “Lieutenant! Pull the nose up and get above this dust!”
“Aye sir,” barked the Lieutenant.
Phoenix started climbing as the thrusters roared. Farber, Wexler, and Gillie maintained their watch on the scanners.
Then suddenly, three more Dragar cruisers appear from nowhere and locked onto Phoenix. They dropped down into a triangle pattern, starting their attack.
Lieutenant Chiang shouted in a high pitched voice, “Captain! Three Dragar cruisers off the starboard, 30 degrees!” Wexler, Farber, Gillie, and the crew manned the weapon systems as they searched for the cruisers.
Becker ordered, “Shields on! We’re in for a fight!”
Just then, one Dragar cruiser broke off and flew under Phoenix. Gillie yelled, “Dragar coming in under us, sir!”
Becker commanded, “Roll to the port! Come about Mr. Dessa!”
The Phoenix responded rolling off, exposing the cruiser. Suddenly, tracer fire shot past the starboard side. Pinging could be heard as it bounced off the shielding.
Becker, yelling over the roaring, “Garrick! Take over! Captain to bridge! Evasive action!”
The bridge scrambled. Garrick grabbed the helm from Mr. Dessa. Thrusting the helm controls on full forward, he drove Phoenix straight toward the ground. Nearing maximum dive velocity, Garrick pulled Phoenix’s nose straight up as she curved skyward. The crew was driven in their seats as the force pinned them down. Two Dragar cruisers broke off, diving at Phoenix, making their attack from the rear.
Farber grasped what Garrick was planning. It was going to be close. Becker ordered the crew, “Hold on to something. It’s going to be a rough ride!”
The Dragar cruiser came at Phoenix full speed firing all guns, pelting Phoenix’s shields, then bouncing off.
As Farber and Garrick flicked the switches, Garrick grasped the guidance stick with both hands, gritting his teeth. He counted out loud echoing through the whine as Phoenix closed on the cruiser, “One, Two, Three! Now!” The Phoenix did a hard turn to the left shooting forward at full speed. The Dragar cruiser tried to avoid the collision as it rammed itself into the rock cliffs.
Garrick yelled at Wexler and Gillie, “Afterburners full on!”
Wexler and Gillie flipped the switches for the afterburner turbojets, spraying the Dragar ship with fire. Bursting into a fireball, it cartwheeled in flames.
About the author: D.A. Karr has been writing books and screenplays for the last ten years. Her experience and employment includes firefighting in the U.S. Forest Service, law enforcement, IT engineering, and several years with the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego (SSC San Diego). She has a Master’s in software engineering.
D.A. Karr enjoys writing in a variety of genres including sci-fi, thriller-mystery, historical fiction, and screenplays. She is the author of several books including Link, The Legend of Pendyne, and The Racehorse with Magic Shoes.
by Megan Mc Dade
In love the cover 🙂
Megan @ http://www.readingawaythedays.blogspot.co.uk