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Melissa’s Review: Feast For Thieves by Marcus Brotherton
Feast For Thieves
written by Marcus Brotherton
published by Moody Publishers
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Did I enjoy this book: I loved it.
I’ve been in a reading slump lately — I’m not sure why, but much of what’s been coming across my desk has been sub-par. I agreed to review this book because we lost a reviewer and it was already in the queue, so let’s just say I was less than excited to read a book I didn’t actually choose in a genre I don’t usually enjoy after a long string of disappointing reads. It turns out this book was exactly what I needed. Brotherton is a wonderful writer. His use of slang and accents is masterful, his storytelling undulates in all the right places, and just when you think he’s wrapping things up, he’s got a whole half of a book to go. He’s forced me to give a book in a genre I don’t like about a topic I don’t usually enjoy with a setting I almost never choose five great big Texas-sized stars. Well done, Mr. Brotherton. Well done.
Would I recommend it: Absolutely.
About the book – from Goodreads: Sergeant Rowdy Slater is the most skilled-and most incorrigible-soldier in Dog Company, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne, an elite group of paratroopers fighting for the world’s freedom in World War II.
Through a bizarre set of circumstances, Rowdy returns to the States after the war, turns his life around, and falls into the only job he can find-preacher at the sparsely populated community church in Cut Eye, Texas, a dusty highway town situated at the midpoint of nowhere and emptiness.
The town’s lawman, suspicious that Rowdy has changed his ways only as a cover up, gives an ultimatum: Rowdy must survive one complete year as Cut Eye’s new minister or end up in jail.
At first Rowdy thinks the job will be easy, particularly because he’s taking over for a young female missionary who’s held the church together while the men were at war. But when a dark-hearted acquaintance from Rowdy’s past shows up with a plan to make some quick cash, Rowdy becomes ensnared due to an irrevocable favor, and life turns decidedly difficult.
Rowdy’s a man used to solving problems one of two ways: with his rifle or with his fists. Will he be able to thwart his old friend’s evil schemes while remaining true to his new higher calling?
This is a wild ride of a book bursting with a bank robbery, kidnapping, desperate prayers, and barroom brawls. Before the smoke clears, all sides just might end up getting exactly what they want.