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EFC is Three!
Hey, friends! It’s our third blogoversary here at EFC, and we’re celebrating!
We’ve got some super cool stuff to give away, some changes to let you know about, and some generally awesome things to tell you, so stay tuned!
- We’re sorry to announce that Belinda, one of our super cool book reviewers, has resigned. She’s moving on to bigger and better projects (most notably some absolutely wonderful volunteer work with a poverty alleviation project). We loved her wit (and the way she factored book price into her review ratings), and we’re sad to see her go. We’ll miss you, Belinda!
- We’re working hard behind the scenes to create the best content we can for you*, so we’ve expanded our posts to include Discussion Posts, Book Club Recaps, Writing Tips & Techniques, all the usual suspects (blog tours, spotlights, giveaways, etc), AND book reviews. You guys are so lucky!
- Our First Ever Short Story Contest was a hit, so we’re doing it again! Check out the entry guidelines for EFC’s Holiday-Themed Short Story Contest to see how you can win $75 and other cool stuff.
- We’re trying out some new reviewers, so you’ll be seeing some new names in the upcoming months. Let us know who your favorite is!
- Most importantly (and impressively), WE’VE LAUNCHED OUR SERVICES WEBSITE! Wheeeee! EFC is now offering a variety of editing services including content review, proofreading, e-book formatting, copyediting, blurb writing, and manuscript critiques. Head on over to efcservicesllc.com to check out the details.
- And finally, we’re working closely with Lori from Imagination Designs to develop a new design for the EFC Services website. We *might* roll the new design over onto the blog, but we might not. You’ll have to keep reading to find out. 😉

Books we’ve reviewed so far this year: 210 and counting
Blog subscribers: approximately 3,000
Twitter followers: 6,387
Facebook followers: 6,528
Goodreads followers: 751
Pinterest followers: 190
Google+ followers: 264
Because EVERYFREECHANCE.COM has been going strong for three years now, we’re going to give away THREE awesome prizes to THREE lucky readers**!
Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below the awesome pictures of the prizes!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Because we love you. Also because you pay our bills (because you use our Affiliate Links. Right? You DO use our affiliate links, right? …right…?).
**Um. We know these are really girly prizes. If you happen to be a man AND you happen to win AND you don’t have any lady friends to share your prize with, we’ll think up a comparable alternative for you. Don’t worry. Although these prizes can only be shipped US, we do have an alternate prize for our international followers — $30 in books of your choice from The Book Depository (as long as they ship to your country). We’ve got you covered, friends.
by Juana Esparza
Happy Blogoverrsary! I like your website it is easy to find what you are looking for. I also like your color scheme.
jmesparza821 at gmail dot com
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!! =)
by miki
Happy blogoversary!! i hope you will continue for many more year.
Sad to see Belinda leaves but i wish her a lot of happinnes in her new adventures. I really love that you think about all your readers followers ( also international, and also men)
i love the blog as it is
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you! We’ll miss Belinda, too. And we love ALL of our readers!!! <3
by Inge @ Bookshelf Reflections
Congratulations on the blogoversary, guys! Three years is a lot!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!!
by DebraG
Congrats on your blogoversary. Keep it up. You are doing a great job!!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks!! =)
by charliegirlteachergirl
Congratulations on 3 years AND on getting up your services site! Those are big things just by themselves! I’m sorry to see Belinda go, and I wish her the very best. I’ll be looking for these new reviewers. 🙂
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks, Charlie! We’ll miss Belinda, too. And we’re excited about the new reviewers. =)
by Raine Thomas (@Raine_Thomas)
Happy Blogoversary, ladies!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you, Raine!!
by michellewillms2013
I love your blog. You keep it fresh and filled with great content. Happy blogaversary!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks, Michelle!
by Meghan
Happy Birthday, Y’all!!!! I love your blog (that’s a big thing coming from a fellow book blogger) and I am looking forward to the new things that you have mentioned. Congratulations and keep up the good work!!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!!! And I’m happy you love EFC!
by cmucha319
Happy Blogoversary~~ I think it is awesome that you all have made it work for you for these three years. I hope you have many more to go!!!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks! We hope so too!!
by Haley Scully
Happy blogoversary! I love your blog; you’re doing a great job with it! Thanks for the giveaway.
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks! And good luck in the giveaway!
by Robin Coxon
Happy Blogoversary. I love following your reviews and interviews with the different authors. It makes it a little easier to choose who I want to purchase a book from. Thanks for all your hard work.
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
I’m glad you like the reviews and interviews. I have a lot of fun reading the authors’ answers to my interview questions. =)
by fredamans
Happy blogoversary!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
by sonja1971
It’s great to celebrate! Happy Blogoversary!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!!!
by Ashfa
Happy Blogoversary!!! Thank you so much for including us Internationals in your amazing giveaway!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Of course!!! I could never leave you guys out!!
by Ginny @ Gin's Book Notes
Congratulations!!!! You know I think you are amazing! Cheering you on and wishing you many more years of happy book blogging! Big hugs and best wishes!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Awwwwwww . . . Thanks, Ginny! =) *HUGS* <3
by Michaela “WillReadForCoffee” Williams
Happy Blogoversary!!!!!!!!!! I think all your new stuff sounds A-mazing… except losing Belinda but it’s for a great cause!!!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks! And it is sad to say good-bye to Belinda, but you’re right, it is for a good cause.
by Anita H.
Congrats and happy blogversary!!! What an awesome milestone! Love your author interviews, it’s always interesting to know more about the people behind the books. Hope you have many more years of blogging!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks! I hope we have many more years as well. I’m happy you like the interviews. They are fun!
by Sandie W
Happy Anniversary!
Love reading your Author interviews and book reviews. It is a great way for me to learn about new books.
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!!!!
by Swain
Happy Anniversary!! You guys are so inspiring AND incredibly generous. Really enjoying being one of your followers. Here’s to many more years of success!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!
by Brenda @DailyMayo
Fun giveaway! You guys have done amazing in just 3 years!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you, Brenda!!!! =)
by JanD
Happy 3rd blogoversary!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!!
by Yash Levi
Happy blogoversary! I love the reviews, author interviews and its easy to navigate your blog.
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!!! I’m happy to hear that it’s easy to get around the blog. =) YAY!
by Ada
Whoo-hoo!! Happy 3rd Blogversary!! *throwing confetti* Wishing you many more years of happy blogging, love your author interviews and book reviews!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!!!! And I love confetti!!! =)