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Chrissy’s Review: Someone Else’s Love Story by Joshilyn Jackson
Someone Else’s Love Story
written by Joshilyn Jackson
published by William Morrow Paperbacks
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Did I enjoy this book: I really didn’t enjoy this book. Maybe it was the hype, maybe it was the other reviews I read, maybe I hoped for more of a chick lit/women’s fiction/romance story, but I felt a bit disappointed after reading Someone Else’s Love Story.
For me, this book was okay. Some parts were promising, but they just weren’t enough to make me like this book. I didn’t like the point of view shifts between Shandi and Will. They didn’t flow, and sometimes it was just too hard to follow. I just had a hard time picking the book up to finish it. But I did finish it. I think I was hoping for something bigger to happen at the end.
Someone Else’s Love Story had a lot of potential. Unfortunately, it just fell flat.
Would I recommend it: I wouldn’t recommend it.
About the book – from Goodreads: For single mom Shandi Pierce, life is a juggling act. She’s finishing college, raising precocious three-year-old Natty, and keeping the peace between her eternally warring, long-divorced parents.Then she gets caught in the middle of a stickup at a gas station and falls instantly in love with William Ashe, when he steps between the armed robber and her son.
Shandi doesn’t know that William’s act wasn’t about bravery. When he looked down the barrel of the robber’s gun he believed it was destiny: it’s been exactly one year since a tragic act of physics shattered his universe. But William doesn’t define destiny the way other people do—to him destiny is about choice.
Now William and Shandi are about to meet their so-called destinies head-on, making choices that will reveal unexpected truths about love, life, and the world they think they know.
by Deb Atwood
That’s too bad. The premise sounded interesting. I haven’t read or loved all her books, but my favorite Joshilyn Jackson novel so far is The Girl Who Stopped Swimming. Of course, that makes sense as there’s a ghost in it…
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
It really did sound interesting. I will have to try The Girl Who Stopped Swimming. Maybe I will like that one more.