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Review: Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
Mistborn: The Final Empire (Mistborn #1)
written by Brandon Sanderson
published by Tor Books
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads
Why did I pick this book: I received this trilogy as a gift.
Did I enjoy this book: Let’s just say I gave up both sleep AND personal hygiene so I could keep reading. It’s fantastic. It’s a superpower driven fantasy that, for once, involves a bit of actual science (well, if you can call people who eat metal “science”). At any rate, it’s a nice switch from the usual magic found in fantasy novels, and although you’ll find many of the Usual Suspects (snarky hero with a dark past, youngling who doesn’t understand her power, corrupt politicians, etc), I guarantee you’ll be hooked well before you finish the first hundred pages.
This isn’t the first book of Sanderson’s I’ve read – I reviewed Elantris in 2013 (read my review here), so while I was expecting to enjoy Mistborn, I wasn’t expecting to be quite so obsessed. It’s brilliant. It’s awesome. I haven’t showered in two days, but I’m going to crack open The Well of Ascension (book two in the series) just as soon as I finish typing this anyway. I’ll just tell my Husband to sit on the other side of the room.
Would I recommend it: Yes. Go. Read it. Just be careful where you wear your metal.
Will I read it again: Almost certainly.
About the book – from Goodreads: A thousand years ago evil came to the land. A dark lord rules through the aristocratic families and ordinary folk labor as slaves in volcanic ash fields. A troublemaker arrives. A rumored revolt depends on an untrustworthy criminal and a young girl who must master Allomancy, metal magic.
by candacesblog
Brandon Sanderson has been highly recommended but I haven’t read any of his books yet. This one is on my WL and I’m excited to read it! One day…
by Veronica Jimenez
Awesome saga, I love it, I’m obsessed with the book, I understand you to ignore everything else
by Melissa Leilani Ruiz
He’s wonderful! I liked Elantris but wasn’t crazy about it, but this series is a must-read! Even if you don’t like the story, Sanderson’s imagery is worth reading every page. =)
by Fabian Elumogo
My favorite part of this book is the magic system. To this day its still my favorite one because it has clear rules that everyone must follow. But that doesn’t make it rigid. He still manages to expand on it later. Still one of my faves that i manage to read every year.