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Someone Else’s Fairytale by E.M. Tippetts
Someone Else’s Fairytale
written by E.M. Tippetts
published by E.M. Tippetts
find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Book Depository, Goodreads
Why did I pick this book: I follow this author on Twitter and checked out her books. This book looked interesting and fun. (And I wanted a new book for my new Kindle. And, yes, I now own a Kindle along with my beloved Nook. What can I say??? I’m addicted to reading!)
Did I enjoy this book: I really did! I love happy books! And I was so happy reading this book (most of the time). I read this book every free chance I had…it pained me to have to put it down to do other things. I just wanted to read it and see how it turned out in the end. I laughed out loud, smile constantly, and actually squealed with delight at a certain point.
I loved Chloe Winters’s character and integrity. She had been through so much yet she didn’t end up as a screw up like so many in her situation might have. She knows who she is and what she wants to do. It was refreshing to read a strong female character that didn’t rely on the guy even though that guy wanted her to so much. Chloe was also chaste and had no qualms about having “The Talk” with any guy she was dating. She had her convictions and morals and she stuck to them even when desire tried to talk her out of them. And she is “normal”…not some “fangirl” or fame stalker. Her nonchalance at the whole “I’m dating a celebrity” was humorous and sweet.
Jason Vanderholt was a great character as well. I totally expected him to bolt on Chloe at some point, especially after “The Talk”. But he is so genuine, kind, and he got his fairytale ending. You wouldn’t expect a guy…especially a hot Hollywood actor…would want the ending that he wanted but he did and that just endeared him so much in my eyes. I rooted for Jason the whole way through this book even though he seemed the unlikely suitor.
Lori and Matthew are Chloe’s two good friends at the University of New Mexico. Lori is also Chloe’s roommate. She is the typical roommate/friend and a huge fan of Jason Vanderholt of course. She didn’t have a huge role to play in this book and she didn’t even know Chloe’s past but you could tell she was a good friend of Chloe’s. I wasn’t a fan of Matthew. At first, I thought he was a great friend who truly wanted more than friendship from Chloe. Later, I thought otherwise much to my dismay.
Would I recommend it: I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys chick lit and happy endings. I would also recommend because it is a clean book – no sex scenes, no swearing – and there isn’t a lot of chick lit (that I have found) that is truly clean.
Will I read it again: I probably will. It was a book that left me happy, smiling, and rather giddy at the end.
About the book – MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS: Chloe Winters is your everyday university student trying to make it graduation and follow the next step in her plan to have a career in forensic science. By the look of her and what she has accomplished, you would never expect the secrets that lurk in her past.
One day, she and her two best friends – Lori and Matthew – went to the campus in the early morning to be extras in a movie, a movie that stars Hollywood superstar, Jason Vanderholt. While waiting in line to begin her part, Jason happens past and while all of the other girls in the queue squeal with delight, scream, and go weak in the knees, Chloe is indifferent. Jason is intrigued by this girl who does not seem to care one bit for him or his fame.
Chloe and Jason have a connection that fits the adage “it’s a small world.” Jason grew up near Chloe and new her siblings. Jason’s parents know her and her past. Jason did not know of this connection at the outset. Jason and Chloe become friends, the kind of friendship that Chloe realizes is true “best friend” status.
But will that friendship develop into something else? Will they have a relationship that every woman in America who has fallen in love with Jason wants? Will this be someone else’s fairytale?
Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!